The Proven 90 Day System to Overcome Premature Ejaculation and Transform Your Sex Life

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Alex helped me become more whole.
"Premature ejaculation is simply not a problem anymore and I now have a remarkable sex life, which I’ve never been able to say and I’m pushing 50 years old. Just know that it works!!!!"
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Joe, 49

United States

10x more powerful than therapy.
"Working with Alex has been life changing, and not just in the bedroom. My confidence has improved drastically and I feel like I no longer want to run away from my problems."
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Victor, 27

United States

Great results and worth the money.
"When I began I was experiencing PE, which caused me basically to avoid sex. Now I can say I’m good in bed again. This course has lifted my confidence no doubt."
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Joshua, 35

New Zealand

You’ve given me something priceless.
"One woman said to me, you must've been to pussy school.  This course has opened up a new chapter of my life and helped me become more confident as a man."
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Marty, 52


Life Changing Material! 
"This was one of the single most important investments I have ever made. There hasn’t been a single day that has passed where I haven’t incorporated Alex’s teachings in some way."
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Will, 30

United States

So grateful for this program.
"I've had a huge improvement in my ability to sustain and not be stimulated too quick and ejaculate too quick its just been life changing, its been crazy!!"
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Ty, 58

United States

This program has changed my life.
"I have a lot more control during sex, a lot more confidence, I have a lot more knowledge on how to pleasure my wife and now I actually enjoy being in the bedroom."
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Greg, 42


Honestly the best 3K I've ever spent.
"All the advice has not just made my relationship and love life better but generally my life better.  I really didn’t think it would be this transformative from a life perspective, holy shit."
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Omar, 29

United States

Trusted by 300+ Men
We've Helped Clients From:

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Does This Sound Like You?

You want to reliably control how long you last during sex.

You don't want to use alcohol, numbing creams, or SSRIs.

You aren't satisfying your partner the way she deserves.

You're not alone....

Nobody teaches us this stuff!

I wasted over 15 years of my sex life struggling with performance anxiety.

I'm Alex Grendi.

I've been exactly where you are.

Getting a sex coach changed my life forever
and I want you to gain this confidence too!

Book a call today so you can:

Go from 2 mins to lasting over 20 mins +

Give your partner the best orgasms of her life.

Deepen your love and connection with your partner.

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A Community Of Men On The Same Journey As You.

100% anonymous, you never have to share your real name or face.

Get coached live on weekly calls

Ask me questions 24/7 via Slack

Lifetime access until PE is solved

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Schedule Your Strategy Session

This is a free 100% confidential phone or zoom consultation.

Step 2: Book a Call